kein bild Tares
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Schweizerischer Gebrauchstarif
Tarif d'usage suisse
Tariffa d'uso svizzera
Swiss working tariff


This tool is intended for direct use as part of the customs
clearance. It contains much information about legal provisions to be
observed when clearing goods through customs. However, the
application of such provisions is in any case governed by the wording
of the acts and ordinances themselves.

English translations are thought as an aid and are not binding.
Texts which, for economic reasons, were not translated are
displayed in French.


By clicking on the "ENTER" button, I also accept the Terms of Use issued by the World Customs Organization (WCO).


Valid from:





01.01.2025 F Mise à jour du Tares (les données seront consultables dès le 1er janvier 2025). Open message Document

F: Technical Messages   S: System Messages (Tares)